

What is SmartLipo?

Smart Lipo fat treatment is the latest method for removing fat with a laser. The technique was first discovered in Europe and has recently become available in the USA. The technique has been used extensively in South America, Europe and Asia for the past 10 years. The technique involves the use of a laser to rapidly dissolve the fat and tighten the surrounding skin almost anywhere in the body. The procedure is done in an office and does not require the use of a general anesthetic.

Who is a candidate for Smart Lipo?

Smart Lipo is an excellent technique for removal of fat from difficult areas of the body. It is more efficient at removing fat from localized pockets which have proven resistant to conventional liposuction or exercise. The ideal patient is one who is in good health, not obese, has an active lifestyle and has a pocket(s) of fat they wish to remove.

Which area is Smart Lipo useful for?

SmartLipo has been designed to treat localized pockets of fat in the following areas:

  • waist
  • chin (double or hanging chin)
  • inner and outer thighs
  • hips
  • buttocks
  • upper arms
  • face (not around eyes)
  • male with breasts
  • back of neck
  • pubic mound

How much fat can be removed each time with Smart Lipo?

The procedure is excellent for removal of localized fat and as much as 3500 mls of fat can be melted away at a single session.

Who is not a candidate for SmartLipo?

SmartLipo is not suited for individuals with:

  • diabetes
  • liver problems
  • blood disorders
  • kidney problems
  • heart problems
  • skin disorders

Is the fat removal permanent?

The fat removal is semi-permanent. If the individual gains weight, the fat will come back in areas treated and not treated with the laser. Despite what the manufacturers claim, there is no treatment which can permanently remove all the fat cells. The best way to rid of fat is to continue exercise and watch one's diet.

How is the procedure done?

The procedure is done in an office or clinic. Prior to the procedure, the fatty areas are marked and a local anesthetic is used to numb the area. The laser is a pen held device which is fired close to the skin. As soon as the laser is fired, the fat cells break up. The fluid release from the fat cells is drained away by the body's natural system (lymphatics). The laser also causes small blood vessels to coagulate (gel) immediately on contact, resulting in less bleeding and swelling. The laser also affects the collagen in the skin which later causes the skin to tighten and shrink. Each session take about 30-45 mins.

What is the recovery like?

The majority of individuals have minimal bruising and are pain free. A pressure dressing or a compression garment is used depending on the location of the treated area. The compression dressing or garment helps to decrease the swelling. The bruising disappears in 6-9 days and all individuals are able to resume their normal activities within 24 hours. The mild ache can be relieved with over the counter pain medications.

When do I see the results

Soon after the procedure, the treated area will appear tighter, compact and smaller. Within the next 6-8 weeks, the skin and surrounding area will remodel and adjust to the body contour. The remodeling is a gradual process and the best results are seen after 2 months.

How many sessions can one have?

It all depends on the area and location. Generally 1-3 sessions are more than adequate for most individuals. Repeat sessions are only done after an interval period of 3-6 months.

When can one return to work after Smart Lipo?

One can return to work within 24 hours.

Can Smart Lipo be used with liposuction?

Yes, SmartLipo is designed to treat small and harder to get areas of fat. After conventional surgical liposuction is done and if small amounts of remodeling are required, Smart Lipo is an excellent adjunct.

What are advantages of Smart Lipo over other procedures?

  • Smart Lipo offers minimal discomfort during the procedure
  • There is minimal pain which only lasts 24-48 hrs
  • Majority of individuals can return to work in 24 hrs
  • There is minimal bleeding or bruising
  • There is no loosening or hanging skin after the procedure
  • There are no side effects of general anesthesia
  • There are no incisions or suturing involved

Is Smart Lipo approved for use in USA?

The SmartLipo fat reduction treatment received clearance from the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) in November 2006.

Is Smart Lipo covered by insurance companies?

No, it is strictly a cosmetic procedure and not covered by any insurance companies.

SmartLipo Cost

The average cost for Smart Lipo treatment can be between $2000 - $6000.
